Live Experiences versus the “Metaverse”
A major SHIFT is happening in the world which is called the “Metaverse” where one’s experiences are in a 3-D virtual environment. While, successful business leaders are the one’s who are able to see the Shifts happening and adjust their businesses accordingly. At our business, Broadway2LA Acting Studio, LLC, we want our student’s experiences to…
“Brain Power”
The creative minds in each organization ranges from “Baby Boomers,” “Generation X,” “Generation Y,” “Millennials,” to “Generation Z.” What are we doing to capture their ideas in the meeting room? *Quote- By Ed Catmull in “Creativity, Inc.”
Feed the “Dog of Courage” at the “Energy Conference!”
“Smash the Box TV Show”- Why/ What If/ How
“Smash the Box” TV Show- Scott Shelton (You Can’t Un-Ring the Bell)
“Great Ideas or Great People?”
What would you chose at your company: Great Ideas or Great People? #innovation #creativityatwork
“Braintrust”- Gaining a Creative Advantage
Ed Catmull’s (Co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios) talks about using a “Braintrust” group in his book “Creativity Inc.” which is: “A safe arena in which to solicit and interpret candid responses to developed projects.” At Pixar Animation Studios they allow their writers and directors to submit their work to an independent team (Braintrust) who has…
“Creativity Pulse”
Is the “Creativity Pulse” alive and well in your meeting rooms? If the answer is yes, you are gaining a creative advantage over your competition. #creativitypulse #innovation #improvisation
“Smash the Box” TV Show- Joe Bishara (Innovation)
“Smash the Box”- COVID-19
We are operating our businesses in a new digital world which is dominated by video conferencing, stay at home orders, and clients that are consumed by FEAR. I believe organizations that are able to “Smash the Box,” and reinvent themselves, will be the ones that survive and thrive in 2020 and beyond. “Smash the Box”…
“Text Storming”
“Great Ideas” are only “Great” if they are executed upon. While, most organizations have a business plan, however, very few have a creative plan in place to put disruptive ideas into practice. Below, is a creative plan I use with companies in the meeting room to generate disruptive ideas that can be executed (3 step…