“CQ” stands for Creative Intelligence and hinges on two crucial factors for leaders who innovate at the workplace:
#1- Idea Generation: Leaders that have the ability to come up with new ideas, solutions, and problem solving capabilities.
#2- Execution: Leaders who can take an idea (s) and put it into practice with an innovation plan.
If leaders at a company can’t generate original ideas that have value in their meeting room or their board room, that company stays “Boxed” in.
While, leaders at a company that are idea generator but not executors, end up having a plethora of great ideas that go nowhere.
The key is to generate original ideas that have value and put them into execution with an “Innovation Plan.” An “Innovation Plan” is similar to a business plan which includes a strategy or game plan on how to put the winning idea (s) into practice.
What differentiates a leader and an innovative leader: Idea Generation and Execution- CQ.
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